Tell me why steam download
Tell me why steam download

tell me why steam download

Click install on a large game, accept EULA if necessary.

tell me why steam download

  • Start a demanding game(cyberpunk will do), have settings set to a challenging level for the hardware.
  • Make sure Settings -> Downloads -> Allow downloads during gameplay is turned Off.
  • tell me why steam download

    User can expect that with setting "Allow downloads during gameplay" turned off the game will only schedule to be downloaded as soon as gameplay session is over. This can severely impact game performance on Steam Deck, so much that it is sometimes hard to even pause such download. When "Allow downloads during gameplay" is turned off Steam Deck won't download scheduled games and also will pause download when you launch game.īut if you have a game launched and during gameplay press "Install" for another game that game will start downloading immediately. Please describe your issue in as much detail as possible: Have you checked for system updates?: Yes.Steam client version (build number or date): 1664508947.

    Tell me why steam download