Specials fallout shelter
Specials fallout shelter

specials fallout shelter

  • Increasing the happiness of your vault.
  • Upgrading the training room to a higher tier.
  • Placing additional Dwellers in the training room (even if they are max level).
  • You can position more Dwellers in the same training room to speed up the time it takes to increase the stat. The higher stat is on a Dweller, the longer it will take to train and increase. Each training room focuses on training one specific SPECIAL stat. The following list indicates what each of the SPECIAL Stats stands for and where it should ideally be used in your Vault.ĭwellers can raise their SPECIAL stats by spending time in various training rooms you can built in your Vault. The higher each number is for each stat, the stronger and better overall a Dweller may be.Ĭlick here on how you can get free lunchbox and bottlecaps guide Each letter stands for a specific attribute of a Dweller that is important to the actions they take and their survival.

    specials fallout shelter

    Dwellers can raise their SPECIAL stats by spending time in various training rooms you can built in your Vault. This child was born by regular parents no stat above 6 and level under 30: This. A player character with higher Perception may notice things that allow them to open up new dialogue options on occasion. Modifies: Sequence, ranged combat distance modifiers, and the First Aid, Doctor, Lockpick, Traps and Pilot skills. The stats of the Dwellers in your Vault are indicated by the acronym SPECIAL. How do you max out specials in Fallout Shelter. The SPECIAL and the level of the parents will influence the childrens starting SPECIALs. Perception is one of the seven primary statistics in the SPECIAL system.

    Specials fallout shelter